Wednesday, March 5, 2014

Portland: Details

"Intricate Edges"


"Snowed In"

I spent part of the afternoon walking around Portland, mostly in the Munjoy Hill neighborhood. As I walked, I kept my eyes peeled for the details around me -- in the houses, the streets, and other parts of the landscape -- which would characterize the area. Capturing details, rather than a house as a whole or the length of a street, provided a different perspective from the way I normally see. The houses in this neighborhood are grand-looking, with long front porches, turrets, picture windows, and lots of scalloping and artistic details around the windows and doors. They made great subjects for my particular focus. One house stood out among the rest because it was old, empty, and run down. The porch was caving in, the railings were no longer attached, and some of the siding was peeling away. In a well-kept neighborhood like this, the house caught my attention. At the cemetery, the late-afternoon sunlight played out across the drifted snow. These patterns of shadows contrasted well with the soft new snow, broken only by the crooked gravestones. 

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